I have made some new harnesses for Nici and Lady. They are working out quite well and I am very pleased that I was able to make them rather than buy harnesses as I have not had good luck with some of the purchases in the past.Lady's harness is made with black leather and has a special balance handle as well as the guide handle on it. Rachel has balance issues so this works well for her and she wanted her harness to be black.It was hard taking pictures of this harness as black on black does not show up well.
Nici's harness is the Swedish style with the guide handle in the traditional place on the chest strap instead of on the back strap.The guide handle is a slightly off set handle. I prefer this style of harness and the white leather shows up well at night.I have always wanted a white harness and I am very pleased with this one.It took time and a lot of work to make these harnesses but I enjoyed making them and the cost is much less this way. I am in the process of making a new harness for Shaman.